
Other Comics

These are some of the comics that I read regularly, many of which I consider an influence on my work. Enjoy...

Sluggy Freelance- One of the classic webcomics, Sluggy Freelance rocks, despite what other jealous 'Spacers might say. And at school, I'm somewhat known by the nickname "Riff"..

Mega Tokyo- A popular Manga-style strip with great art and a decent storyline.

Lethal Doses- An awesome comic by Hot Soup. I LOVE Lethal Doses!

Penny Arcade- a classic gaming comic that I enjoy. Marco thinks it's the epitomy of all comics.

LabGoats, Inc.- This is the comic done by my friend Petie Shumate and his roommate. It's got good, clean art and it's really funny, though there are a few science jokes that will go over some peoples' heads.

Player Vs. Player- Some cartoonists will want to kill me for linking with Scott Kurtz' (aka the Webcartoonists' Satan) comic. But I LIKE PVP. SO THERE! MUAHAHAHAHA! Hey.. It's funny. He has some really good jokes and equally good points, even if I don't agree with all his rants.

Kevin & Kel- This is a "furry" comic. But it goes beyond furry. It is cool. I like it. Taka likes it. Fluffy likes it. Cait finds it slightly amusing. The boys don't get it.

Ozy & Millie- Another "furry" comic which ROCKS! I really like it. The characters have no comment.

There's more that I will link to as soon as I get the URLs...

Marco's Picks

Here's the sort of stuff that Marco has bookmarked...

Think Geek- A really cool store if you have anything to do with computers. I swear, I want to buy their entire stock. It's also where Marco gets some of his shirts. ^_~

Penny Arcade- Penny Arcade. Wait a minute, we already linked to them, once! Damn you, Marco. It's not THAT good. (no offense to Gabe and Tycho if you guys ever end up reading this.)

Phone Losers of America- I can't say anything about this old website. It truly must be experienced. But reading through their whole site can give you some interesting insights into Marco's issues...

Jeff's Picks

And Jeff likes...

2600 Magazine- The Hacker Quarterly. I (Ariel) actually find this mag really interesting. And reading it (or even looking at the site) is a good education for those of you who still misdefine "hacker" (which is the general public.)

ShellYeah!- A place that gives you a very limited (but free) UNIX shell account. Good for when you're first learning the ropes.

NecroBones- A pretty cool site. It has some cool software, funny stuff, and... well... stuff.

Cait's Picks

The Society for Creative Anachronism- It's the SCA. Come on.. if you haven't heard of the SCA, you're kinda lame. (It is NOT a bunch of stuck-up but crazy nerds running around in weird clothes hitting each other with duct-tape covered toy weapons. well.. not *just*...)
More links coming soon!

Have a comment or suggestion? Want me to link to your website? E-mail Ariel at
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